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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getaway Day

In Major League Baseball, Thursdays are sometimes known as "Getaway Day."  It's a day when games are played earlier in the day, so teams can travel to their next city, where they will play a Friday-Sunday series with another team.  Today was Getaway Day for 6 teams, with 3 games being played early in the afternoon.  The Cincinnati Reds beat the Arizona Diamondbacks 7-4, the Dodgers beat the Braves 5-3 (have you heard about the messy divorce going on between the owners of the Dodgers?  And I thought my divorce settlement was bad!), and my Washington Nationals got their asses kicked as the Cardinals shut them out 5-0.  Now to the Nats' credit, they did win the first game of yesterday's double-header, which included Rick Ankiel losing his shoe while running from second base to third (he was safe, though shoe-less), and also included one of my all-time favorite plays - a successful double-steal with Laynce Nix stealing second base and Ian Desmond simultaneously stealing home.  But today was another story.  This guy named Kyle Lohse pitched brilliantly, and was helped by a couple of home runs from his teammates.  One of them, of course, was by Albert Pujols (duh!), who hit a home run so hard that I think the ball hit the Stan Musial statue in front of the stadium.  I know I haven't mentioned Albert much, but he is a darn good hitter.  Sigh!

I just checked the scores from the games that are currently going on, and oh my gosh, the Mets are winning!  So far they're shutting out the Astros in the 5th inning, but it's still early.  What is UP with those Mets this year?  I say bring back Willie Randolph to manage the team, but no one asked for my opinion.  The Orioles are also in the process of being shut out by the Twins (boo!), and the all-of-a-sudden hot Marlins are beating the Pirates.  The Phillies are in the west coast playing the Padres, so I won't find out that score until tomorrow morning.  Ho hum.  The season may have just started, but the standings are getting interesting!  Let's see what this next week brings...

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